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Product Details
Ultimate Blackhat Redirector

The Ultimate Blackhat Redirector is an easy-to-install, easy-to-use WordPress plugin that will enable you to fake your referer and hide the source of your traffic. Using the Ultimate Blackhat Redirector is a a simple, transparent way to protect your affiliate campaigns from  prying eyes, being it the affiliate networks themselves,  advertisers and other marketers that would rather copy your campaigns than pay you.   The installation and use of  The Ultimate Blackhat Redirector  Plugin is easy !! You simply create a WordPress blog , or use and exiisting blog that you want to show up as the referer for your traffic.  Just upload and activate the plugin, and begin create links. It really is that simple. If you can use WordPress,  you're able to HIDE your traffic.  Not able to understand Coding? There is no need to change any  of the code, the plugin will take care everything!